finally its all over, with all the shopping and eating and site seeing. The ended so fast before we know it, we are back to our normal routine. Bye-bye Langkawi......
Jehu was very much into his bubble blowing and sand playing instead of swimming and playing in the water. I guess he is still not famaliar with the sea.
I was collecting all the nice seashells, but this time there are not many and most of them are not the ones I was looking for.
There is this Worldworld Aquarium which house a good collection of fish and aquatic creatures.
Its was quite unlucky that recently someone had sobotage this aquaria by poisoining the main marine fish aquarium and the management had closed it for few months for sorting this matter out. Sadly we didn't get to see all the nice specimen which they had last few years.
We planned to go langkawi again, this time we took Jehu along together with our close friend. We realise that going in a group somehow is a bit more interesting and fun. Arrived at the airport and awaiting for our flight. Jehu was very excited all the way...
Jehu going thru the flight fear (or whatever probia you call it)
And so is Jaya...
We finally arrived at Langkawi.
Just want to take the airplane that took us there.