Friday, June 5, 2009

2008 - Langkawi Trip - Beach

Jehu was very much into his bubble blowing and sand playing instead of swimming and playing in the water. I guess he is still not famaliar with the sea.

I was collecting all the nice seashells, but this time there are not many and most of them are not the ones I was looking for.


  1. It looks like you had a fun trip. My husband and I drove a long way to the Outer Banks of North Carolina to see the Atlantic Ocean in 2007. We loved the Ocean, and picking up shells was such a fun thing to do! Your photos brought back fun memories!

  2. Thanks Sue for your thoughts. I have been to this beach before and found thousands of seashells.

    This time it was very disappointing as I found very few to consider a nice collection.
    (as you can note that on my face)
